A premier martial arts studio, serving Madison, Harvest, and Huntsville Alabama
We teach a wide variety of martial arts classes including Shin Shin Jujitsu, Shin Nagare Karate, and Shinkendo

What is Shin Shin Jujitsu?
Shin Shin Jujitsu is a modern self-defense-oriented style of jujitsu that tends to be more well-rounded and provides a complete system. Jujitsu was first started in Japan back around 1460. The founder of the style, Hanshi Leo Wilson, refers to the system which is rooted in traditional Jujitsu, but also draws from boxing, wrestling, Wing Chun, Aikido, Krav Maga, Judo (itself a Jujitsu derivative), and everything else in between but in a street (i.e., non-sport) application.
The student is taught a continuous and ongoing system that builds on itself. It presents situations that address different distances (close, short-range, medium-range, long-range), different levels of aggression (nuisance, violent assault), and different levels of response (control, immobilization, incapacitation, etc). Ki hon or basics are taught, such a tai-sabaki (body movement), ukemi (proper method of falling safely), kuzushi (off-balancing), maai (combative distance), etc. A distinctive trait of the system is the significant emphasis on modern weapons defense (guns, knives, etc.) from the onset of training, as opposed to sport-oriented systems that omit weapons training entirely, or systems that train in traditional weapons (e.g., sai, sword).
What is Shin Nagare Karate?
Shin Nagare Karate is a modern self-defense-oriented style of karate utilizing the power and balance development from traditional karate styles and translating those advantages into modern kickboxing style striking techniques. Students will be trained in both traditional forms and cross-train in modern boxing techniques. Classes will focus on the standing (medium and long range) range of fighting. With particular emphasis on self-defense. Basic ukemi (break-fall) techniques will be introduced as well.
The founder of the style, Hanshi Leo Wilson, referred to the system as being rooted in traditional Okinawan & Japanese style Karate. As many of our Sensei have been cross-trained in other martial arts, elements of those arts have been introduced into the system as well. The excellent real-world experience of our Shin Shin Jujitsu sister program also provides a great influence.

Come try one of our classes
- The first 30 days are free for new students
- Pay-as-you-go monthly flat fee, see class description for pricing
- No contracts
- We offer family discounts
- We do not offer a children’s program. We will consider slightly younger students but only after a meet and greet between the student and instructor